Who We Are
Promising news! The program for the congress is taking shape. An exciting palette of keynotes is in place. Moreover, 45 symposium abstracts have now also been accepted. The symposia represent a broad field of gerontological and geriatric research and development and have been submitted from scholars from all the Nordic countries as well as international participants from all over the world.
There will be symposia in all five scientific pillars (Behavioural and social, Biological and medical, Health, Humanities, and Social research, policy and practice) presenting and discussing a range of topics, e.g. loneliness, prolonged working life, caregivers, impact of COVID-19, cancer and gene-environment. The deadline for nominations to the NGF prize for promising researcher in gerontology has been postponed to January 15, 2022: https://www.26nkg.dk/ngfprize.html We encourage you to forward this email to anyone who might be interested. Happy New Year and we are looking forward to greeting you in Odense in 2022Jette Thuesen, President
Pia Nimann Kannegaard, Secretary General
For any questions please contact our local congress service agency:
The Meeting Planners ApS
Lyngby Hovedgade 44, 1
2800 Lyngby, Denmark
E-mail: reg@meetingplanners.dk